Wednesday, 4 April 2012

First ever blog folks, so bear with me until I get use to it all! For those of you who know me a home received cards from me on special occasions or just me simply saying hello, well I'd be known to write a few lines along the way... Writing to me is a more personal connection with my audience.

So here it goes. I had the pleasure of photographing "Twinkle Toes" or should I say "Tweedy Toes" Little Eddie Doherty, 10 weeks old over the weekend.

I photographed his Mum and Dad's Wedding back on the 4th of July 2009, were we all the Monaghan connections made their way to Ardara, Co. Donegal for a fantastic weekend of Celebrations. Doherty’s Bar cannot be beaten for the Ceol agus Craic (just a little flashback for you Marie and Joe at the end of the Blog!)

Everyone meet Little Eddie Doherty snuggled up in Granda Eddies famous Tweed blankets (Hand-woven Tweed by Eddie Doherty, Ardara, Co. Donegal). How cute are his little toes and beautiful eyes. I'll just let the photographs for the talking for you all...

Thank you Eddie and I'll see you at your six month old photography session. Oh and Eddie have a little word with Mummy and Daddy, to jump in for a few photographs with you next time too!

See you Soon

Delly xxxx